Over the last couple of months a huge amount of work has been carried out by members on working parties at Shelf Dam, Knotford and Raskelf.
At Knotford, efforts have been focused on clearing some trees which had come down in the strong winds this winter, removing other older trees which were getting into a dangerous state and general ground maintenance to prepare for fencing works to begin shortly.

At Shelf Dam, the lakes have had a general tidy up ready for the year ahead and some trees near the boundary cleared to remove the risk to neighbouring properties.

At Raskelf, works have been largely focused on phase 3 of the ongoing project to replace platforms around the lake. To date 30 pegs have been replaced, future proofing the fishery for generations to come. There have also been works to reduce the size of some of the willow trees to reduce the chance of them falling into the lake, along with replacing some of the ropes to deter bird predation.

A big thank you to everyone who has helped at these 3 fisheries.
There will be working parties at Knotford on Saturday 10th and 17th February from 8.30am. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Further working parties at other venues will be announced in the coming months.